crystal oscillator accessories operators often operate according to the relevant guidance, but in different environments, the use of crystal oscillator accessories depends on experience and technical level to develop its advantages. Only a better understanding of crystal oscillator accessories will be more conducive to the work.

crystal oscillator accessories in different environments, it is necessary to rely on experienced technicians to tell us the advantages and disadvantages. Such advantages are obvious, the crystal oscillator accessories structure is relatively simple, and the operation does not require very complex technology and process. The manufacturer also has a good control over the cost required for the production of crystal oscillator accessories, which can be used in many fields. crystal oscillator accessories can be easily mastered when operating. Easier and safer to use, the crystal oscillator accessories can be maintained while greatly reducing the impact of machine failure. Therefore, in the actual operation, we should also pay attention to seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and try to maximize the advantages of crystal oscillator accessories to better operation and use. This is all for the introduction of crystal oscillator accessories.

crystal oscillator accessories is a contactless electromagnetic component, which is equivalent to an equivalent resistance. In the motor starting process, because the equivalent electrical impedance with the rotor starting current in the high frequency component of the reduction and automatic reduction has reached automatic rheostat, so only need to use 1 level rheostat, you can move the motor smoothly.

crystal oscillator accessories use conditions, rheostat can work reliably under the following conditions:

1) No more than 4000m

2) The temperature of the surrounding medium is not higher than +40℃ and not lower than -30℃

3) The relative humidity of the air is not more than 85 percent (20±5℃)

4) In the medium without explosion risk, and there is no gas and conductive dust sufficient to corrode metal and destroy insulation in the medium

5) There is no rain and snow and no water vapor from the place

6) Places that allow general vibration and shock

7) Where it is tilted at any Angle from the vertical plane

crystal oscillator accessories